Experience matters...
Joshua McMullen is a Pacific Northwest based photographer that specializes in capturing golden moments of your amazingly distinct life experiences. The unique ability to embed himself into YOUR environment to capture a glimpse of YOUR existence, separates him from the host of others that just “take pictures.” Does your career fall into the realm of challenging and distinct? Let him come show the world what makes you so amazing. Do you want to capture a conquest on top of a mountain, or in a country so foreign that others might shy away from the challenge? He wants to be there to capture the sweat, and work, that goes into such an amazing accomplishment or environment. Your experiences are as unique as the stars in the sky, so let’s engrave one of them into the annuls of time...
Joshua’s diverse background growing up in foreign countries only continued through a challenging service in the United States Navy. This was directly followed by the desire to push himself further with many years in Law Enforcement. This time spent all over the world, conversing with such diverse hosts of humanity, allowed him to develop a keen sense of respect for the events and experiences of those around him. As he listened to all the amazing stories of saints, and witnessed all the extreme feats of heroes, he found himself drawn to suspending those single moments in time - to share with all our sons and daughters. The look of a mother as she cradles her child in absolute love, to the second before a special operator drops from a high-altitude aircraft; all showcase the amazing spirit and drive of the human soul. Let’s show them what you’re made of. Or maybe you just want a cool picture for Instagram? He’ll do that too...and make you laugh the whole time.
Let’s get at it.